Ford Pinto

Introduce the company (e.g. name, type of business, its corporate structure);

Define and explain the core ethical dilemma confronting the company, with pertinent facts; this includes why it is an ethical issue; clearly define the dilemma; be clear as to the company’s situation and its ethical choices – the action the company chose to do and at least one other, different, choice it could have elected instead;

Identify, define and explain an ethical framework that supports, or is illustrated by, the choice/action the company made. In explaining the framework, include an example of how it works in making a decision.

Identify, define and explain a different ethical framework that the company leadership could have utilized in the situation to lead to a different result for the company. Explain specifically how the company effectively could have employed this framework. Also, in explaining the framework include an example of how it works in making a decision.

Include in your presentation a discussion of at least one legal issue the company faced or could have faced as a result of its decision. Examples from your studies in the course are: contract disputes; tort claim – wrongful death; tort claim – product liability; violation of a civil or criminal statute or regulation (which you must identify specifically); civil rights; employment issue.

Recommend: Lessons learned. What is a take-away from this case study for management of business operations? Recommend and explain at least one business practice for any business. In determining your recommendation consider the concepts we have studied this term. A good business practice recommendation can relate to any one or combination of these elements of the legal business environment. The company you have studied for this Assignment engaged in practices on an ethical basis that ultimately touched or affected all aspects of its management. Your recommendation must be a specific practice for any business to apply. It is not sufficient to just say something like “do it differently,” or “be ethical.”

References: Your references must be cited fully in APA7 format.