Task To determine one’s ethical views before one is faced with the requirement to make an ethical decision.

Conditions: Research on the Summary of Opinions of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the AMA and the ethical issues discussed in your textbook.  Use the Table and identify the Pros and Cons of each issue as well as your stand personally and as a member of the healthcare team.

Scoring:          Divide the points earned by the total possible points.

Standards:  Time:             __60____ minutes                          Accuracy:             ____80____% or higher


*Main Procedure Steps Pts. Score P/F
1.       Identify the Summary of Opinions of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the AMA on Abortion, present the PROs and CONs, and personal and professional stand as a member of the healthcare team. 30    
2.       Identify the Summary of Opinions of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the AMA on Euthanasia, present the PROs and CONs, and personal and professional stand as a member of the healthcare team. 30    
3.       Identify the Summary of Opinions of the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the AMA on Cloning, present the PROs and CONs, and personal and professional stand as a member of the healthcare team. 30    
4.       Completed Plan is free of grammar and spelling errors and submitted within specified time. 10    
Evaluator comments:

Points earned:



Evaluator’s Signature: __________________________________                      Need to Repeat: _______


Date:                               _______________