Discussion board on context

For this Discussion, select a work of art or architecture of your choice. This can be from any period, any culture, any medium.

There are two parts to this Discussion:

Part I–Provide the following about the work:

Identify the work with culture or artist, title, and date.

Describe what the work looks like.

Discuss/describe the style of the work.

Discuss the context of the work, explaining and describing the culture at time the work was made.

The above aspects will necessitate research. For the research in the bullet points above, you must use academic sources–which means you will need proper citations (remember, proper citations include end notes and bibliography). You should have at least 300 words for this part.

Part II–Meaning/Message, and Assessment

Identify what you think is the original message or meaning of the work.

Analyze and assess the work within the context of the information you researched. This part does not require research–you need to do this part on your own. (You won’t be graded on how “correct” you are, just how well you articulate your argument) Answer the following questions:

Where in the work, specifically, can you see the message and meaning? (analysis)

How do you think the work relates to the context of the time ? (analysis)

Is the work successful in communicating the message? (assessment)