Interracial marriages

Write a post that addresses the following questions:

If you were going to do research on this topic, what would your goal be: causal explanation, interpretive understanding, or critical sociology? Why this goal and not the others? (There is no “right” goal—that is your choice. But there are more and less correct and detailed ways of explaining why you chose it—take some care with that part.)
How would your goal impact your theoretical perspective, research question, and research method?
–State which perspective (functionalism, conflict theory, interactionism) you would use and why.
–Write a research question that reflects your topic, goal, and theory.
–Explain which method you would use to collect data, and why.

Round out your post with some details on how you would actually carry out your research and what you might expect your results and conclusions to look like.
You must discuss sociological goals and theories in your post—and other concepts if you wish. Show me that you know what you are talking about!