Aristotelian Rhetorical Analysis

  • Word Count: 400 words min, part 1.
  • Word Count: 200 words, min, part 2.


Step 1: Choose one of the articles in our library guide on your topic ENG 100 – Effective College English I. In the first part of this assignment, you will write a 400-word Aristotelian rhetorical analysis. “Aristotelian rhetorical analysis” just means you will explain how the article attempts to be persuasive using the four main terms: ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos.

Step 2: In 200 words (min), explain your own “Rhetorical Strategy.” How do you think you might use the four Aristotelian strategies in your paper to convince your audience of your main claim? Which strategy will be paramount in your argument? Why? How does this relate to your audience and topic? Explain.