Systems of Government

1. List two pros and two cons of a federal system, a confederal system, and a unitary system;
2. Explain why, based on your understanding of the readings, our Founding Fathers eventually settled on a federal system; and
3. Render an opinion on whether you believe a federal system of government was the best choice. Make sure to support your opinion with relevant supporting evidence.

Make sure to include supporting evidence, refer to and define key terms, and provide real world examples to help explain your points whenever possible.Your essay should also have an introduction and conclusion. It should be at least 3 double-spaced pages in length. Cite your sources using APA citation format.

Note the answer to question three is the thesis of your paper. It should be stated clearly at the end of the first paragraph of your paper. You should then build your argument supporting that thesis statement. Your conclusion should restate your thesis. this link is a source for Federalism but there should be things about confederal system and unitary system and if not just find somewhere else.