Profit / Market and CSR

Read a WSJ (Wall Street Journal) article that reports on a topic related to corporate social responsibility related to the week’s textbook chapter reading.

Succinctly, write a critique of the article in this discussion forum. The approximate length of a discussion forum response should be about 200 words, 20 lines.

Succinctly summarize the article that you have selected.

Write about the impact of what you have read on the triple bottom line (e.g., profit, people, planet).

Chapter 7 discusses the motivating role of profit in the broader discussion about capitalism that emerged following the Financial Crisis, investigating the extent to which our current market-based economic model should be reformed.

It also challenges the common refrain that firms have long focused on producing economic value and today must also produce social value.

In reality, there is no economic value and no social value; there is only value, which the firm creates (or destroys) for each of its stakeholders.