Interprofessional Simulation: Research

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn to identify roles and responsibilities of the advanced registered nurse practitioner as a member of the health care team.

In this multi-week assignment, everyone in the class will be required to research 2 professional health care roles, share their research, and draw on the shared research to create a brief outline of a collaborative, evidenced-based plan for the patient described in the case Interprofessional Simulation. To make this collaborative, we will do the following:

Each person will be assigned by the instructor to “play the part” of one of the health care professionals listed in the case and shown below:

  • Health care administrator
  • Mental health practitioner (Links to an external site.)
  • Nutritionist
  • Occupational therapist (Links to an external site.)
  • Physical therapist (Links to an external site.)
  • Physician assistant (Links to an external site.)

Each person will then research the scope of practice for that profession as it pertains to the case and the practice act (if applicable) for the given state (Florida). If the role is not mentioned in the practice act (and no link is given above), then you should consult other resources you find. Reach out to the instructor for guidance as needed (research to be done in Modules 2–4).
Each person will also research the part of the nurse practitioner (Links to an external site.) (research to be done in Modules 2–4).
Each person will post their research for the assigned role (not nurse practitioner) for the other class members to review and draw upon (post at end of Module 4).
In addition to the nurse practitioner, select 4 professions you would want to be on the team to create a collaborative health care plan for the patient. You do not have to include the role you researched. However, you must justify your choices of health care providers beyond the nurse practitioner who will contribute to this plan. Using research provided by classmates on other roles, and, as applicable, the research you did on your assigned role, as well as research you did on the nurse practitioner role, you will individually and independently create and post a brief outline for a collaborative, evidenced-based plan for the patient. For details about the plan, see the Interprofessional Simulation case description and Discussion 6. Complete the plan and post it by the Discussion 6 due date.

Note: This is not a traditional group project where you work together with a few other class members to make one plan for the patient as would normally be done in professional practice. Rather, you will each share your research so that you can each make your own plan for the patient taking into consideration the roles that other health care professionals could or should assume in the case. The reason for doing it this ways is that, while a real life situation would require health care professionals to work together to create one plan, there are too many obstacles for such a group project in a 6-week online course. Moreover, with individual work, you will be able to compare your plan with those done by your classmates and learn from the ideas they share.

Action Items
Watch the following Interprofessional Primary Care eLearning Modules (Links to an external site.):

  • Introduction to Team-Decision Making in Primary Care (Links to an external site.)
  • Involving Team Members in Primary Care Practice (Links to an external site.)
  • Developing an Integrated Plan of Care (Links to an external site.)
  • Read the Interprofessional Simulation case Download nterprofessional Simulation case.
  • Based on your assigned role, begin your research. Continue to research in Modules 3 and 4 as needed.
  • Read the instructions in the Interprofessional Simulation: Research and Discussion 6.
  • Create and submit items as described in each of the associated assignments when items are due.

Submission Instructions
There is nothing to submit until Module 4, when you will share your research in the Interprofessional Simulation: Research assignment. In Module 6, you will share your brief outline of a plan in Discussion 6 and read your peers’ plans.

The purpose of this assignment is to communicate effectively with all members of the health care team on a health care plan for a patient.

In this assignment, you will research the scope of practice for the role you have been assigned( Health Care administrator ) and review the practice act for that role in the state of Florida. You will also research the role of the nurse practitioner. You will gather the research in a short document and post it for your class members to see and use in consideration of their brief outlines for a collaborative, evidenced-base plan for the patient.

Action Items
-Research the scope of practice for your assigned role and review the practice act for Florida as determined in Begin Interprofessional Simulation.
-Write a 2–3 page document compiling an overview of the intervention the professional you have been assigned and a nurse practitioner could provide in such a case.
-Reference relevant, peer-reviewed literature. Follow APA style.
-Post your document to the discussion board Interprofessional Simulation: Research Discussion. Indicate your role in the first sentence of your post. Feel free to look at the work of others who had the same role, as well as the work of those classmates who had different roles. You will need to post your work first in order to see your classmates’ posts.

Submission Instructions
By the due date indicated, submit your work.
By the due date indicated, post your work to Interprofessional Simulation: Research Discussion.