CASE STUDY: Wellspring Cancer Treatment Center Case Study

Discussion Questions

Answer each of the following discussion questions in your Post-Assessment Memo.

1) After researching Swedish culture and business practices, discuss some of the issues that writers should consider when writing to a Swedish audience

2) Should Berg’s response to the problem take into consideration Sara Johansson’s status as Anders Johansson’s widow? Discuss the ramifications of Sara’s significance to the center, though not an official employee.

3) Examine the significance of Berg’s relationship with her immediate supervisor, Christiansen. If she goes over his head to contact Lena, what are the implications?

4) Berg’s handling of the Wellspring case directly impacts future employment opportunities. As Berg, does the possibility of losing future contracts make a difference in how you solve the Wellspring situation?

5) As an independent consultant, what could Berg learn from the Wellspring case to improve the effectiveness of her consulting skills and avoid future similar conflicts?