Ethical and privacy issues in metaverse advertising

How to Prepare Your Submission for Confmaster

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All authors must be accurately listed with their information. Enter the authors or session participants in the order you wish them to be listed on your paper or special topics session in the conference program, should your submission be accepted. Check your spelling.

Do not spell any names in all capital letters

Provide the formal paper/session title. Use The Chicago Manual of Style format. This is the standard style for all AAA journals (JA, JCIRA, JIA). If in doubt, consult a recent issue of Journal of Advertising, JCIRA or JIA for style guidance.

Capitalize the important words as if you were writing the title of a book for its front cover.
a. This is correct: The Three Bears: One was Found Sleeping

b. This is incorrect: The three bears: One was found sleeping


Abstract: To assist in assigning reviewers and for use in the final program and Proceedings, if selected, describe your submission in 200 words or fewer. Do not use indents or separate paragraphs. Single space the Abstract when entering it into the Abstract field. Spelling and grammar are critically important. Spell check! Avoid use of symbols if possible as they may not translate when we download them. prepare and upload your submission in Word. Remember to remove names, track changes/comments, or other identifiers and only keep the title to allow for blind review before uploading. Word has included an option that allows you to remove identifiers easily.

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Click the Security tab.

3. Under Privacy Options, select the box next to Remove Personal Information From the File on Save.

4. To insure that all tracked changes are removed from the manuscript before it is sent, select the box next to Warn Before Printing, Saving Or Sending A File That Contains Track Changes or Comments.

5. Click OK.
Use Arial Font or Times Roman, 12 pt., doublespaced, and limit your submission to 30 pages, inclusive of references, tables, figures and appendices. Papers exceeding the page limit may be desk rejected by the conference chairs.