The Importance of Philosophy

Using arguments derived from course readings, as well as outside research, present a three-paragraph analysis (#1Introduction/thesis, #2 argument/evidence, and #3 counterargument/response) that takes a position on the question, “What is the value of philosophy today; does it have great, little, or no value?”

Each philosophical position paper should be 500-800 words and written in a format appropriate for a philosophy essay (see below). It is okay to go over this limit, if you need the space:

Part 1: Introduction/Thesis: Take this first part of the paper to introduce information that sets up the reader for your thesis statement. That is, take the introduction to lay out any context, details, or background that you find necessary for the position you take. Your thesis statement should be a concise and clear statement about where you fall with regard to the question.

Part 2: Argument/Evidence: In this second part of the paper, bring in evidence to support your claim. This is where you solidify and strengthen your argument.

Part 3: Pay special attention to this section as it should take the bulk of your work: Critically evaluate your argument. In other words, provide a counter argument to your argument (i.e. what another author, or someone who disagrees with you, might say in response to your argument), Then, provide your rejoinder or response (i.e. what do you say back, to defend your original argument?)

You are required outside research for this paper. Some news articles and other publications discuss questions similar to this prompt, feel free to use those sources to help you build your essay. Outside research is a great way to find counter arguments to your position, if you struggle to come up with some on your own. Be sure to cite all your sources, both in class sources and outside sources.