Immigration/ border security/ national security

Using the APUS Online Library, select a peer-reviewed article (ARTICLE ATTACHED) that is no more than five (5) years old that interests you personally; however, it must be related to all or a combination of the following topic areas:

  • X- National security law
  • Homeland security laws, policies, and executive orders
  • Constitutional impact
  • Civil liberties
  • Individual Rights
  • X- Immigration and border security
  • A critical analysis includes:
  • An Introduction – introduce the thesis
  • Summary – provide the main idea
  • Analysis – critically state the positive and negative points of the article and assess if the intended goal of the author was met
  • Conclusion – summarize the main ideas
  • Include at least two (2) additional references as part of your critique (to support your analysis).


Foreign threats to national security and an alternative model to local enforcement of US immigration laws BY Maria (Maki) Haberfeld a and Charles A. Lieberman b