Examine Learning Analytics’ Role in Strategic Policy

In the SUNY reading (Lane & Zimpher, 2014), you have been provided an example of a successful adoption of a data analytics system by a university. Understandably, there are factors that influence the adoption and use of data analytics.

Using the nine factors that influence individual adoption of data analytics (Table 8.1 in Chapter 8 of the Lane text) you are to respond to each factor with the strategy(-ies) you would employ to ensure that each one of these factors is met.

For example, how would you respond (using this list) to an organizational climate that feared the use of data (i.e., data being used punitively to evaluate teachers) and that didn’t think money needed to be spent on a system-wide learning analytics program promoting success and retention of those in developmental math and reading?

Using this list, what would you do to change the mind of faculty and the administrators? What are some key steps you would take, and what are your selling points? Use all nine factors in your paper.