Create and optimize digital media

Task 1: Questions

Question 1 What are 5 (five) current industry tools and technologies used in digital media channels?


Question 2 What are 3 (three) core deliverables for digital marketing?


Question 3 How is industry performance measured?


Question 4 What are alternative digital channels? What type of users can be found across those channels?


Question 5 What are key aspects of nodes of integration across multiple digital environments?


Task 2 – Performance and Skills Assessment


Select an organisation in order to complete this assessment. An organisation can be a business, charity, association, not-for-profit enterprise or government body.


You may select your own organisation (for example, your own business or one you plan to start); an organisation you have access to, such as a business owned by a friend or family; or your current employer. Alternatively, you can create a hypothetical organisation for the purpose of this assessment.


If you select an organisation that you have access to, or your current employer, you must:

Obtain written permission from the appropriate stakeholder (e.g. the Marketing Manager), clearly stating you are allowed to post content to the organisation’s social media channel(s) on its behalf.

Include a copy of the written permission when you submit your Assessment.

Obtain all workplace documentation (including legislation and regulations) and resources relevant to digital media.

If you create a hypothetical organisation, you will need to access legislation and regulations for digital media in the context of your organisation.

Prior to commencing this assessment task, you must discuss your chosen organisation with your trainer.

Part A: Prepare to promote digital media

This task will require you to create and optimise at least 2 (two) different digital media for an organisation / workplace. Create and complete the template provided based on your chosen organsisation.

Identify measurable goals for the digital media (use the SMART strategy).

Goals Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely

[Your specific digital media promotion objective] [Is your objective specific?] [Can your objective be measured?] [Is your objective achievable?] [Is your objective realistic?] [Have you set a specific date for your objective to be achieved?]

Complete a SWOT analysis table to analyse existing on-line and offline data to identify tools used by customers, insights, gaps in audience engagement and expectations.

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

After completing the above, create a PowerPoint slideshow that you would use to present the information to relevant stakeholders.

Upload of slideshow:

Part B: Support optimisation of digital media

Plan a framework provided to support the optimisation of digital media taking into account the customer journey covering:

  1. What technologies / tools might you use to monitor and maximise customer engagement and why will you use them?
  2. Who will you involve in this process and why will you involve them?
  3. Describe which interaction channels are most popular and why in your context.
  4. What tools/methods could you use to test interaction with target groups and how would you adjust the strategy according to test outcomes?

Technologies / tools Person responsible Interaction channels Interaction testing tools/methods

[What technologies / tools might you use to monitor and maximise customer engagement and why will you use them?] [Who will you involve in this process and why will you involve them?] [Describe which interaction channels are most popular and why in your context.] [What tools/methods could you use to test interaction with target groups and how would you adjust the strategy according to test outcomes?]

  1. After completing the above, create a PowerPoint slideshow that you would use to present the information to relevant stakeholders.

Upload of slideshow:

Part C. Evaluate digital media use

You are required now to plan how you will evaluate the impact of the digital media and assess its effectiveness. For this, you will need to:

Collate digital data on customer engagement, conversations, and conversions

Explain which data evaluation methods were used when analysing the data

Document issues and recommendations to improve further digital media optimisation

Digital media activity Monitoring methods Evaluation methods Issues and recommendations

[List your two (2) digital media activities] [Collate digital data on customer engagement, conversations, and conversions] [Explain which data evaluation methods were used when analysing the data]

[Document issues and recommendations to improve further digital media optimisation]



After completing the above, create the PowerPoint slideshow that you would use to present your digital media plan to relevant stakeholders in order to seek approval.

Upload of slideshow:

Simulate that you are presenting the information gathered from Parts A and B and now Part C to relevant stakeholders in your chosen organisation. Use the end of the presentation to seek feedback from relevant stakeholders at your chosen organisation to seek approval with your digital media plan. If they are not, respond to feedback given.


Describe how the feedback given has been used to revise the solution proposed.
