Question 1. What are some ways Mattel is able to succussed in a competitive toy market and continuously prosper after 62 years? Where do you think Mattel will be in 20 years?
How should Mattel approach their mistakes in order to restoring goodwill and faith in its brand after the many scandals and alleged theft of trade secrets?

Question 2. How can Mattel leverage their ethical practices and social responsibility to help gain back market share from competitors?

Even with the issues of manufactures and supply chain are Mattel products able to be ethically consumed compared to many other brands sold today?

Question 3. Do you believe that customers will be willing to see Mattel favorably with demonstrated efforts to uphold their standards and values, or have they established a pattern of ethical issues causing too much mistrust?

What can Mattel do to ensure product safety is a top priority to win trust back from parents? Why is it important for the company demonstrate this?

If you were a consultant, what would you recommend Mattel do to leverage its already successful brands like Barbie and Hot Wheels as lifestyles change and technology becomes more prominent in children’s lives?