Chapter Perspective 3.4 Authority and the Homeland Security Enterprise T

he homeland security enterprise is subject to the authority of executive, legislative, and judicial processes. mese include the following examples.

Executive Orders

  • Declarations trued by presidents or governors that have legal authority over homeland Beauty processes and policies. Alien based on prior steamy actions by the lethlative branch no further lethlative consideration will orir.

Homeland Security Presidential Directives

  • Presidential policy directives to members of the homeland security enterprise. These are executive directives that are implemented by relevant authorities.

Judicial Decisions

  • Judicial decisions are rendered by federal and state courts. Such decisions have the authority of law within the jurisdiction of the rendering COWL Appellate decisions likewise have constitutional authority within the scope of the rendering corms jurisdiction.

Presidential Directives

  • An overarching term miming to executive ceders in general Differing nomenclature may be used by different presidential admini:trations, but the admi,istrative effect is generally the lame. In effect, all presidential directives are order establishing policies to be castled out by relevant mauve authorities.

Statutory Authority

  • Legislauvely driven authority granted to government agencies. Statutory authority establishes the parameters and Imuctons for 21WICISI Whet implementing polices. These are promulgated as lint relevant to the homeland ISCUSIty enterprise.

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think about the scope of presidential and gubernatorial authority in ordering potentially wide-ranging administrative decisions?
  2. What, in your opinion, should be the role of legislative bodies in formulating policies affecting the homeland security enterprise?
  3. How should the three branches of government collaborate in assuring an efficient and effective homeland security enterprise?”