Analyzing Articles

Find a written or video editorial on any topic and analyze its strength and quality.
Your written response should answer the following questions with a solid 5 sentence paragraph for each heading. Use the following headings in your summary report.

Explanation of Issues: What is the editorial/controversial article about?
Identify the main issue and the relevant information necessary to understand it fully. Identify the Conclusion of the editorial.
Evidence: Perform a textual analysis of the article, answering the following question: How is the piece’s conclusion supported with sufficient arguments or factual evidence?

Use concrete examples from the article (quotes) to evaluate its quality.
Influence of context and assumptions: What do you think is the author’s influence?
Reflect on what lines of thought, contexts, or assumptions can influence the editorial ideas. (how objective or biased is the author and why?

Student’s position: Include your opinion on the topic
Consider the complexity of the issue and present your own arguments in support or contrast to the position of the author of the article. Reflect on what lines of thought, contexts, or assumptions can influence your own ideas.

Conclusions and related outcomes: What are the implications of the ideas of the author?
Reflect on what could be the consequences of the ideas presented by the author. Evaluate the author’s perspective using sufficient supporting evidence. (what are the consequences if the author is correct in their statements?