Love Languages

Watch the following video of the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The 5 Love Languages Explained (Links to an external site.)

After watching the video, take the quiz from the link below. You will have to put in an email address to get the results, but use this quiz as the other ones online are not nearly as good. If you are in a relationship, have your partner watch the video with you and also take the quiz (it’s important to understand each other). (Links to an external site.)

After watching and taking the quiz, answer the following:

What is the order of your love languages according to the quiz results? Do you believe that is correct? Now that you have a better understanding of love languages, can you recall having a problem in relationships because you spoke a different language and didn’t understand each other (this can be seen in non-romantic relationships as well… parent/child, friends. Though the emphasis is on couples)