CQ Journal The power of story

Your journal entry should meet the following requirements.

Length: 400-800 words

Your journal entry should be written in paragraph form with proper grammar and spelling. Thoughts should be well-organized and cohesive.

Your journal entry should be submitted on the template provided.

For this first journal, we will discuss our framework for intercultural communication: God’s story, our personal story, and the global story. Your journal should include an answer to each of the bolded sections/headings of this prompt. The bullet points under each heading are suggestions for topics to consider.

Share a bit of your personal story:

  • Where is your family from? Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
  • Describe your home culture: (Religion, Ethnicity, Language, Family, History, Etc.)
  • Describe any significant experiences that have shaped you or given you perspective.
  • How have you seen your story intersect with God’s story?

Share a bit of your faith journey (beliefs, understanding of God, salvation experience, significant spiritual markers, etc.).

  • What would you want someone from another culture to know about your faith?
  • Why is it important to understand the whole story of God (the Grand Narrative)?
  • How have you interacted with or engaged in the global story?
  • What kinds of cross-cultural experiences have you had?
  • How would you describe your level of comfort, knowledge, or understanding when interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds than your own?
  • What are some challenges you have experienced when interacting across cultural boundaries?
  • Why is it important to understand God’s story, your own story, and the global story to effectively cross cultures with the gospel?