OPTION 1) Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA).

You can choose a topic that interests and is relevant to you – from tougher laws on texting and driving to increasing the voting age to 21. You may use the following tools to create your video or presentation:

  • The Canvas Rich Content Editor built in video
  • Any video creation tool on your device
  • Screencastomatic
  • Google Slides
  • Power Point

Watch the sample PSA here (opens in new window) (Links to an external site.)

Option 2) You’ve read many speeches and spent time analyzing the strategies that authors use to create an effective and meaningful speech.

Based on the strategies of the historical documents and speeches you’ve read and studied, write your own speech of 3-5 minutes. You are going to record your speech and submit along with your written speech.

Here are some speech ideas but don’t limit your choices to these!

  • Running for office
  • President’s State of the Union address
  • A speech to Congress recommending a change
  • A speech for your parents about extending your curfew
  • Why a snake is the best (or worst) pet.
  • Why smiles are contagious.
  • The best ways to protect the environment.

Need some ideas for recording? Try one of these methods:

Use your computer’s sound recorder. Be sure to create an mp3 of the recording to submit.

Use a video editor to create a series of images (or video of you!) and then record your voiceover. Be sure you create an mp4 to submit.

Head over to Vocaroo and record there (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. . You aren’t required to create an account. Just make sure that you give permission for the site to use your computer’s microphone and then save as an mp3. You can also grab the link and submit.

If you have mic issues on your computer, feel free to use an app on your cell phone. You can email or text this!

For Options 1-2 you will also need to copy and paste the rubric for your choice on your project. You will then need to copy and paste from your project example(s) of each of the strategies that you’ve used next to the appropriate spot in the rubric. This will let me clearly see that you understand each of these.

Three persuasive appeals (20 points each)

  • Ethos:
  • Logos:
  • Pathos:

Three persuasive techniques (10 points each)

  • Rhetorical questioning:
  • Parallelism:
  • Restatement:
  • Grammar/Mechanics: 10 points

OPTION 3) Select an advertisement for some type of fast food restaurant or food product/beverage from an online source.  The ad can be a commercial or a print ad, and you must include the link to the ad or the ad itself. Write a well-developed and organized paragraph in which you identify, analyze, and evaluate the persuasive techniques used in the ad.

Be sure you address each of the following questions:

  • What is the ad presenting/advertising/selling?
  • What is the focal point of the ad? (This is likely different from the answer to the previous question)
  • Who is the target audience? Why do you think this?
  • What is the ad attempting to convince this audience of? Explain
  • Does the ad use color effectively? Explain
  • What feeling is the ad trying to produce? How do you know?
  • What seems to be the ad’s primary persuasive technique? Explain.
  • Is the ad leaving anything out? Explain.
  • Overall, how persuasive might the ad be to an average consumer? Explain.