Klebsiella 1

Research Question Worksheet

Group project general area: Klebsiella pneumoniae and infection prevention

Note: Once you choose your research question, it is very difficult to change it. Changing your research question will put you behind. Do a little basic research on your topic to determine if it is worth spending the entire term researching. If you have trouble finding information on your topic, you should probably pick a new one.


  1. Write a brief paragraph to explain why you chose this topic to research. Use professional/academic reasoning to convince me that this is a question worth researching. Make sure to consider such things as the relevance of the topic to the nursing field and your population of intere


  1. Fill out the following table for your team project. You may utilize Table 4.1 in Polit & Beck Chapter 4. (40 points)


The following criteria will be used in grading of this table:

  • Clearly identified the nature, context, and significance of the research problem being addressed
  • Research problem is broad enough to include central concerns, yet narrow enough to serve as a guide to study design
  • Identified the research objectives & possible approach for inquiry
  • Suggested the nature of the inquiry (e.g., to test…, compare…, evaluate…)
  • Identified key study variables & possible relationships among variables
  • Identified the key abstract concepts involved in the research
  • Independent and dependent variables are separated and measured separately
  • Research hypothesis and null hypothesis listed as a set for each hypothesis
  • Identified the link between the research question/hypothesis to both the problem statement and literature review
  • The testable proposition is deduced from theory.
Terms/Elements Your Project
Topic/ Focus Klebsiella infection prevention
Research problem (problem statement)  


Research question In ICU patients, where are the best evidenced based strategies for Klebsiella pneumoniae infection prevention?
Variables understudy IV(s):


Research Hypothesis  
Null Hypothesis  

Likely need a few citations here