Project Proposal

Come up with 5 types of eCommerce business that you would like to set up to sell products online if someone were to help you with technical expertise. Start thinking of the type of eCommerce you would like to create based on your personal interest write down 5 ideas and then propose one idea you are leaning towards adopting and briefly state a reason as to why you are interested in creating this type of eCommerce business.

1. 5 ideas of the type of eCommerce business set up. Write them all down and explain what type of service or products you will be selling on each.

2. Of the five ideas above this I am leaning towards adopting this type of business ___________(Fill in the blank by typing your selection out of 5 ideas you wrote on 2)

3. Write a brief description of this eCommerce business, the types of products you will sell online, your potential customers/clients, etc

4. Reasons as to why you are interested in setting up this type of eCommerce business.