BB Readings Week 6

Questions For Week 6’s Blackboard Required Reading

1.According to the Federalists and Anti-Federalists, What were the basic arguments from the critics of the constitution? And what were the basic arguments from the supporters of the constitution?

2.How were the arguments from each perspective disseminated throughout the colonies?

3.What were Hamilton and Madison's two primary strategies of critique when dealing with anti-federalist thought?

4.According to the author what were the five principle themes that surrounded the debate of ratification of the constitution? Discuss each theme.

5.In Ralph Ketcham’s work on Anti-Federalist thought, He discuss is the political currents of the 1780s. What does he argue were some of the major points of contention?

6.Ketcham Discuss is the federal convention of 1787 how does he describe the Virginia plant and the New Jersey plan how are they similar how are they different?

7.Summarize Ketcham’s argument regarding anti-federalist political thought . What were the defining characteristics?

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