Sims Annual Budget

Create an Excel Spreadsheet with your Annual Budget. Information can be fictional. Use the rubric below for the specific details to complete this assignment.

1. Title the Assignment with your last name + Annual Budget (example: Smith Annual Budget)

2. Use that title in a field of the first row that is “Merged and Centered”

3. Use the rows for the Month and column A to list your outgoing bills.

4. Change the font style and size of the header text

5. Display all grid lines in the area being used with the “All Borders” tool.

6. Use a horizontal bold line to separate the month titles across the top below the page header (Jan., Feb., March, etc.) and make all Column Headings and Data Row titles in bold font.

7. Use a Thick Box Border to separate the item list on the left from the sheet data (column A)

8. Enter data into the fields with numbers.

Highlight all data in spreadsheet and right-click and format cells. Format the cell numbers for Number and select comma for 1000 separator and 2 decimal places and for Currency use default dollar sign $ symbol. This sets formatting for all data cells at once in one place for 2 decimal places,comma for 1000 comma and dollar sign. Under page layout, you may have to lower scale % to fit and see all of the data on one sheet. The data in this sheet can be made up information.