Preventing substance abuse among adolescents.

1. Introduction (at least one citation in addition to the textbook should be provided in this section)
a. Provide a thorough description of a logic model.
b. In what ways do logic models inform social work practice? How are they best used in program evaluation?
c. What are the key limitations of using logic models in social work?

2. Describe the program/service for which the logic model will be created. What are the primary programmatic elements? In what ways will this program meet the identified needs? What goals is the program trying to achieve?

3. Develop a logic model containing the following elements: input; activities; output; intermediate outcomes; final/long-term outcomes. Provide both a logic model template and a narrative explaining the different components.

You are welcome to use/create any logic model template that, at a minimum, includes inputs, activities, outputs, short-term outcomes, and final outcomes. Each component should be in its own column in the logic model. A narrative that provides a more detailed description of the information provided in the template. Ensure that you have explained why you chose activities and how they logically lead to outcomes (e.g., your theory of change). Explain why you chose your inputs as it relates to best practices/empirical evidence (citational evidence is appropriate). Ensure that all items identified in the logic model template are clearly defined in the narrative.

  • Inputs – Input items may be related to clients, staff, material resources, facilities, and needed equipment.
  • Activities – Identify all services to be provided. List the relevant service tasks and methods of intervention for each service.
  • Outputs – List and define units of service for each service to be provided.
  • Short-term Outcomes – List the immediate outcomes for each service being provided.
  • Final Outcomes – List final outcomes

4. Concluding thoughts about logic modeling and the impact on the program, agency, and community being served. Include a brief description of how you think the logic model will be used in your forthcoming program evaluation assignment.