Planet Patterns

The purpose of this assignment is to identify unifying principles and repeatable patterns amongst the planets of our solar system. You are to answer the following questions using Table 6.1 The
Planetary Data which can be found on page 150 of your textbook. Make your answers clear and complete (do not be too brief!).

1. Notice the relationship between distance from the Sun and surface temperature. Describe the trend, explain why it exists, and explain any notable exceptions to the trend.

2. The text says that planets can be classified as either terrestrial or Jovian. Describe in general how the columns for density, composition, and distance from the Sun support this classification.

3. Describe the trend you see in orbital periods and explain the trend in terms of Kepler’s third law.

4. Which column of data would you use to find out which planet has the shortest days? Do you see any notable differences in the length of a day for the different types of planets? Explain.

5. Which planets would you expect not to have seasons? Why?