Social inequality in Urban Communities

Discuss how crime and its control in urban communities reflects and reinforces social inequality.

This are the references we need to use .
-Borchard, K. (2010). Between Poverty and a Lifestyle: The Leisure Activities of Homeless People in Las Vegas. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 39(4), 441-466.
-Dean, A. L. (Producer), & Anderson, K. (Director). (2012). My Brooklyn [Film]. New Day Films.
-Gotham, K. F., & Brumley, K. (2002). Using Space: Agency and Identity in a Public-Housing Development. City & Community, 1(3), 267-289.
-Sampson, R. J. (2012). What Community Supplies. In J. DeFilippis & S. Saegert (Eds.), The Community Development Reader (pp. 308-318). New York: Routledge.
-Schneider, S. (2000). Organizational Obstacles to Participation in Community Crime Prevention Programs. International Criminal Justice Review, 10(1), 32-53.
-Ruddick, S. (2002). Metamorphosis Revisited: Restricting Discourses of Citizenship. In J. Hermer & J. Mosher (Eds.), Disorderly People: Law and the Politics of Exclusion in Ontario (pp. 55-64). -Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
-Wasserman, J. A. & Clair, J. M. (2011). Housing Patterns of Homeless People: The Ecology of the Street in the Era of Urban Renewal. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 40(1), 71-101.