Journal Article assignment

You are to select an article that presents a histological study related to a topic that we have (or will) cover in this course. The articles need to be original research articles, not case studies. All articles need to be submit to me via email for approval no later than 12 pm on Friday September 23rd.
-Journals that you may consider searching include
-Journal of Histology and Histopathology
-Journal of Cytology and Histology
-Journal of Histology
-Journal of Interdisciplinary Histopathology
-You may also search anatomy based journals for histological research studies.

Your assignment is to read the article and provide a BRIEF (~2 page-DOUBLE spaced) summary of the article.

AMMENDED FORMAT: 2 pages, DOUBLE SPACED, 1” margins, Calibri (or similar) 11 pt font.

NOTE: 2 full pages, double spaced, is the minimum. You may write more than 2 pages if you wish. With the decrease in paper length, from 2 pages single spaced to 2 pages double spaced, I EXPECT well-written substantial discussion (no fluff!) The summary should include a basic summary of the purpose and findings (at least half a page – 250 words minimum) of the research project as well as a detailed discussion of the relevance to this course.

Discuss the histological aspects presented in the article as describe the differences that are observed under the experimental condition.
If the only reference you use is the article itself, no works cited page is required. If however you utilize any external resources, you need to make sure that they are properly cited.

Turn in: In addition to your typed summary I would like for you to please also turn in your working copy of the article (by either taking pictures or scanning). This means that I expect to see highlights, markings, notes, questions, etc. in the margins- this show me that you have really analyzed this article to fully understand what is being presented.