Standards and Accreditation in Nursing Education

Learning Unit 3 – Academic Standards of Education and Trends in Nursing Education

The focus for the last unit will be on examining the standards of education, accreditation, and trends impacting our roles.

Course Objectives addressed in this unit:

Differentiate effective behaviors for success as a member of the faculty within and between these three settings.

Explore educational research and trends influencing nursing education.

Learning Unit Objectives:

By the end of the unit, the student will be able to:

  1. Discuss the role accreditation has on nursing education.
  2. Identify essential standards in curriculum content.
  3. Discuss future trends in nursing education.


  1. Find one article related to a current issue in nursing education, future trend in nursing education, or a current (published last 2-3 years) nursing education research study.
  1. Review AACN 2021 The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (NLN is not available for free)
    1. Preview previous 2008 version (baccalaureate, masters, doctorate) posted in the unit
    2. No need to dive deep in these documents! Just think “impressions” comparing the previous to the new version. Note the difference in program essentials in the 2008 version and leveling competencies in 2021.
  2. AACN Vision for Academic Nursing – posted in unit
  3. NLN Research Priorities in Nursing Education:
  1. Articles as needed for substantive discussion post and further learning

*Journal articles must be published within the last 10 years from peer reviewed journals.


Required Websites:

  1. Accreditation websites for – ACEN, CCNE, and CNEA (CNEA was just approved by the DOE Summer 2021). Familiarize yourself with these three nursing accrediting institutions.

Discussion Board:  Academic Standards of Education, Accreditation, and Trends in Nursing Education

Be sure to APA reference the required readings and article(s) in discussion board questions as applicable. 

  1. Discuss your thoughts on the 2021 AACN Essentials as compared to the 2008 version AND AACN Vision for Nursing. Is overall the profession of nursing moving in a good direction as envisioned by AACN? Why or why not? (this should be at least a two robust paragraph discussion).
  2. Describe at least two differences between the CNEA, CCNE, and ACEN accrediting bodies focusing on process and emphasis.  Debate the merit, or not, or accreditation (this should be a two to three robust paragraph discussion).
  1. Summarize and discuss your chosen current issue in nursing education, future trend in nursing education, or a current nursing education research study article. (at least a two robust paragraph discussion)

Respond to two peers’ postings. Each response described below should be at least 1-2 robust paragraphs.

Continue the debate of:

  1. the new AACN Essentials and Vision for Nursing.
  2. strengths and weaknesses of accreditation.