
Task 1 – Original Post

Answer the following questions given the above introduction and what we have learned about affirmative action:

  1. Do you agree with the tenets of affirmative action? Explain why or why not. 8 points
  2. What are other ways to promote equity and equality in schools and workplaces? 8 points
  3. Your post needs to be at least 450 words. 2 points
  4. Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. 2 points

Task 2- Peer Response

  1. Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with their opinion and why. 10 points

part two

The “Latino/Hispanic Paradox”

About the Paradox

Please view the below video and read the article “Why Hispanic-Americans live longer: the mystery that has puzzled researchers for decades”Links to an external site.. You may also conduct your own personal research into this topic in order to better grasp the trends of the paradox.

Your Task

For this assignment, you will be answering the following question: (350-500)

  • What is the Latino Paradox? (3 points)
  • What are factors contributing to the Latino Paradox? (12 points)
    • Describe at least two ways in which the Social Ecologic Model (intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, political spheres) relate to this topic when conducting your answer. (5 points)

part three hed203

Discussion Prompt

Vaping. How safe is it? Do you understand the difference between smoking and vaping? Now that you know about brain development, what about young people vaping?

First watch this video that compares smoking and vaping. Links to an external site.You learn here, that it IS safer….. for lung tar. Does that mean it is safe?

What else is going into the user’s lungs? Here is a piece from (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org)

The Chemicals You Inhale When Vaping

Instead of bathing lung tissue with a therapeutic mist, just as a nebulizer does, vaping coats lungs with potentially harmful chemicals. E-liquid concoctions usually include some mix of flavorings, aromatic additives and nicotine or THC (the chemical in marijuana that causes psychological effects), dissolved in an oily liquid base. “We think that some of the vaporized elements of the oil are getting deep down into the lungs and causing an inflammatory response,” explains Broderick.

The substance at the center of investigation is vitamin E. It’s often used as a thickening and delivery agent in e-liquid. And, while it’s safe when taken orally as a supplement or used on the skin, it’s likely an irritant when inhaled. It’s been found in the lungs of people with severe, vaping-related damage.

Other common substances found in e-liquid or produced when it’s heated up may also pose a risk to the lungs. These include:

  • Diacetyl: This food additive, used to deepen e-cigarette flavors, is known to damage small passageways in the lungs.
  • Formaldehyde: This toxic chemical can cause lung disease and contribute to heart disease.
  • Acrolein: Most often used as a weed killer, this chemical can also damage lungs.

WOW! Safer? Users may not be putting tar into their lungs but they are putting foreign substances into their lungs. Seems like it would be like saying “eating fire is bad so eat staples instead!” BOTH are a bad idea!!!

Here is another video showing how a young woman was lucky to get treatment in time. Lung illness and vaping.Links to an external site.

We also learned about habits and addiction. There is no smoke, but there is nicotine. Smoke or chemicals are what hurts your lungs, but it is the nicotine that changes your brain chemistry. You hear it from the last user, she was addicted to the nicotine, which is more concentrated in a vape than in cigarettes, and users are addicted to habits.

We also learned about how big tobacco and the alcohol industry marketed to weak or isolated markets.

Combine addiction and marketing and see how vaping impacts our young adultsLinks to an external site..

The initial marketing for vapes was “for quitting smoking”. Does that seam like what is happening? Is it possible these companies are really just finding new users for products? These teens certainly sound addicted.

For this assignment:

  1. Find an ad (web or social media) or package of a vape or flavor that looks like it is marketed to teens.Take a photo or screenshot and post it. You cannot post the same as another post.
  2. Tell us if you thought vaping was “better” than smoking before watching these. What do you think now?
  3. What % of the people that you are close to smoke or vape? Do you think it is a substance abuse or public health problem?
  4. Provide a comment on the impact of marketing vape products-either personal, from what you see in peers or in family.Should it be allowed? Does it look focused to quitting smoking or more to new users (young people)?

Should vape use be more regulated? Don’t forget many people make money selling these products. How do you think regulation should look? You can have different ideas for teens/vs adults.

Think twice before you pick up the “safer” vape!!!