Conduct research into the revelations about cybersecurity that were alleged by Edward Snowden.

Complete a writing assignment about your research.

  • From a legal perspective, discuss the violations that Snowden is accused of committing.
  • Discuss the societal implications of the information that came from Snowden.
  • Include at least one paragraph that supports the argument characterizing Snowden as a traitor to his country.
  • Include at least one paragraph that supports the argument characterizing Snowden as a hero who brought secret and nefarious government activities to light.


  • The body of the written assignment will be 800 – 1,000 words.
  • Include a title page with your name, course, and assignment title.

Some of the graded assignments in this course have a corresponding rubric that you will use when grading.  view the instructions on using rubrics in the SpeedGraderTM. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.