Introduction to American Studies

Film Worksheet

Type answers of 2-4 sentences to the following questions and bring them to class next week. Please remember, we are watching the film as a primary source—a piece of art from the past—that we will analyze to understand America during the Great Depression. Your job is to determine what the film is telling us, and how it is doing so while citing specific examples.

Remember to cite one example supporting each answer!

  1. According to the film, what was a “gold digger”? What does that portrayal tell us about gender relations in the 1930s?
  2. Give one example of how the film portrayed the economic circumstances of the Great Depression. What does that tell example us about 1930’s culture such as people’s fears, hopes, values, etc. at that time?
  3. What does the elaborate presentation of the musical in the film tell us about one aspect of 1930’s culture such as the social construction of race or gender identity, American capitalism, etc.?
  4. What connections can you draw between this film and other primary sources we have analyzed this semester? Choose one previous source and explain something we can understand about American culture and identity by analyzing them together.