Prevention Principles 2
Chapter 1: Risk Factors and Protective Factors 6
What are risk factors and protective factors? 6
What are the early signs of risk that may predict later drug abuse? 8
What are the highest risk periods for drug abuse among youth? 9
When and how does drug abuse start and progress? 10
Chapter 2: Planning for Drug Abuse Prevention in the Community 12
How can the community develop a plan for research-based prevention? 12
How can the community use the prevention principles in prevention planning? 12
How can the community assess the level of risk for drug abuse? 14
Is the community ready for prevention? 15
How can the community be motivated to implement research-based prevention programs? 16
How can the community assess the effectiveness of current prevention efforts? 17
Chapter 3: Applying Prevention Principles to Drug Abuse Prevention Programs 18
How are risk and protective factors addressed in prevention programs? 18
What are the core elements of effective research-based prevention programs? 21
How can the community implement and sustain effective prevention programs? 24
How can the community evaluate the impact of its program on drug abuse? 24
What are the cost-benefits of community prevention programs?