Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald (Family/Custody-Visitation case). View Parts 1 & 2

Prepare a written assessment (approximately 8-10 pages in length) of the videotaped mediation of the Fitzerald case. The written assessment should identify the mediation skills and interventions used, an analysis of the effectiveness of the skills employed, and suggestions for what you may have tried differently and why. The assessment should integrate theory (with citations) and practice, and should emphasize the mediator’s application of the standard (facilitative) and adaptive mediation approaches. Your paper should be thorough but not redundant. Areas for discussion should include (but are not limited to):

How did the mediator deliver the opening statement?
What type of questions did the mediator ask, and how did the parties respond to these questions?
How did the mediator identify, present and set the agenda for the parties?
What were the main issues in dispute?
Were there important issues not discussed during the mediation?
How were emotions managed during the mediation?
Was there an impasse during the mediation? If so, how was it overcome?
Was a final agreement reached by the parties? If so, what was the agreement?
Did the mediator behave in a fair and impartial way?
Overall, what worked? What didn’t?
What lessons are you drawing from this mediation?