Critical Response Worksheet

Read Virginia Woolf’s “On Being Ill” and Julia Stephen’s “Notes from Sick Rooms.” Then complete the Critical Response Worksheet below for one of these texts. (The worksheet is also attached as a pdf. The readings appear as the next two items in the module as well as in the Week Four Texts module).Complete steps A through D for one of the following readings: Virginia Woolf’s “On Being Ill,” or Julia Stephen’s “Notes from Sickrooms.”

  1. Vocabulary: While you are reading, find five to ten words that are difficult or unfamiliar, and look up the part of speech, etymology and definition for each. Write them down.
  2. Evidence Analysis: While you are reading, list the key evidence (testimonial, emotional, logical). Based on the evidence, respond to the overall text. To what extent is the argument justified? How persuasive is the overall claim? How persuasive is the evidence offered in support of that claim? Which evidence did you find most convincing? Which did you find problematic? Why?
  3. Thematic Analysis: While you are reading, write three quotations from the text and explain how they connect to its major themes (its main point or points.)
  4. Questions for Clarification: While you are reading, write five to ten questions about this reading that address either what you didn’t understand or that connect to the themes of the text.