Frequent mass shootings

Which has been disturbed by the frequent mass shootings.

Research Question:

How to regulate the legality of guns if there are too many mass shootings in the United States?

Professor reply

This is a big question that many people have on their minds! As you do some more research on the issue, you may find it more manageable to narrow the scope to certain kinds of guns or certain kinds of limitations on gun ownership or use.

  • Your preliminary research should include or respond to ALL of the following:
  • Title of the source (i.e. title of the article, web page, resource) and the URL link to it. (1 point)
  • Write 1-2 sentences describing the search techniques you used to find this article. (1 point)
  • Create the MLA Citation for your web source. See: MLA Citation of Online Sources. (1 point)
  • Write 2-3 sentences describing your evaluation process. How did you decide that this is a high-quality source? (1 point)
  • In one sentence, briefly explain what you already know about this subject before reading this article. (1 point)
  • One luminous, standout quote from the source. (1 point)
  • Respond to the quote you found–Your response could be a question the quote generated, an objection, or a thought, idea or emotion it inspired. (2 points)
  • Lastly, in one sentence, explain what you now know about your subject that you didn’t know before. (2 points)