The Odyssey themes

Homer: The Odyssey Important themes in The Oefresg include the following: 1. Hubris. 2. Trickery. 3. Hospitality. 4. Divine intervention. 5. Loyalty. 6. Perseverance.
Your assignment is to select one of these themes and to write a well argued, and formulated essay. You should:

1. Identify and explain the theme that you have selected.

2. Explain how it impacts Odysseus or is a part of his character.

3. Explain how it affects other individual characters in the story.

4. Explain its importance to Greek culture and its importance to the story.

5. **Explain whether the quality or characteristic embedded in the theme is part of or relevant to modem American culture. If so why, and if not, why not?

** Essay should be two (2) pages in length. Properly formatted. DUE Wednesday, October 26. Submitted via Google Classroom on the correct post titled, “Odyssey Essay”.