Disease Journal for Renal Disease

1.Identifies the disease process under discussion.

2.Lists possible complications or worsening of disease process.

3.Lists potential life interferences or accommodations.

4.Describes patient information necessary to individually manage the disease process and live successfully with the disease.

5.Lists potential medication(s) and medication needs for the disease process.

Neurological disease

At the age of 10 when I was in my lower primary, I experienced my first seizure. It did not last for long and took 10 years to resurface again. So many tests were run on me and I was diagnosed with a disorder in which the doctors explained that it was epileptic. This type of seizure is one that lasts for not more than five minutes, it’s a chronic disorder that is brought by seizures that reoccur. The doctors handling my case stated that it was a seizure that its cause is not known (National Advisory Neurological Diseases and Stroke Council & National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Seizures. Epilepsy is one of the most dangerous diseases because of its worrying complications to the human body. Epilepsy causes complications such as hypertension in the body and cardiac arrest. Signs and symptoms of these include sweating in the entire body, hypersecretion, and vomiting. Epilepsy if not well-taken care can always cause one to die because when the situation is not well handled the patient while experiencing the seizure might die in the process.

Having being diagnosed with epilepsy has positively impacted my life both as a student and my general life. It has taught me to live a well and healthy life that does not include reckless living. Having being diagnosed with the disease at a young age, I have gotten the opportuning of conducting different awareness campaigns on persons living with the disease and sharing out my experiences and ways of coping up with the disorder. However, the disorder has also disorganized my life because I always live, I fear getting a seizure more so while in a public gathering thus I happen to minimize my day-to-day activities.

A significant number of people suffer from or get diagnosed with neurological diseases all over the world. Most deaths occurring from these diseases occur in low- and middle-income countries that do not have the resources and facilities to treat these diseases. One common neurological disease is epilepsy. Epilepsy is a medical condition that features the occurrence of unpredictable seizures. This condition affects at least 2% of the world’s population. The reason for the seizures is nerve cell activity that usually takes place in the brain experiences some disturbances that result in seizures.

I do not remember all the events of my first seizure. At an early age when I got my first seizure, and I remember that we had just come home from a doctor’s appointment for a regular checkup. I had some complications in my earlier years, and my parents believed that prevention is better than cure. I remember seeing my parents sitting by my side while a paramedic was taking my vitals. They informed me that I had just had a seizure, but it had passed. Two years later, I had another seizure and they started becoming more frequent after that. I remember that my whole life changed after receiving the diagnosis that I had epileptic seizures. I was immediately put on medication to help manage and prevent the seizing. The condition may occur due to an acquired brain injury, or a genetic disorder. During an attack, the individual may lose consciousness, experience abnormal behaviors, sensations, and symptoms.

There are various complications that can arise from the disorder. Epilepsy can result in permanent brain damage. Whenever seizures last for more than five minutes, it causes a condition called status epilepticus to occur. It can also occur when an individual has consecutive seizures at a time without gaining consciousness between the seizures. This condition puts people with epilepsy at an increased risk of suffering brain damage. The disorder also affects the cardiac system and can cause high blood pressure, cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, and tachycardia.

A neurological condition such as epilepsy can have various impacts on the life of the individual and the family. One of the impacts that it has had is on my education. I have had to work harder than everyone else in my academics, as the disease already has me at a disadvantage. I do not have a healthy social life as I live in constant fear of experiencing an episode when I am out in public. I also feel helpless as I cannot do anything to help myself when the seizures come.

Epilepsy can be managed. However, there are certain things that people have to be aware of so that they can effectively manage the condition. For instance, one has to be aware of the condition so that they can make the best decisions. Taking the prescribed medication can greatly assist in reducing the number of seizures. It is important to track the seizures and keep a record of the possible triggers so as to learn how to avoid them. Keeping in touch with friends and family can help manage the stresses associated with the condition.

Lastly, managing the disorder can time be difficult because a lot is always involved and too much attention be given to the disorder. For instance, I have to always walk around with my medications and ensure that I regularly swallow them without any failure I have to always check on my diet because of my health status failure to which I would be at risk of getting an attack. Antiepileptic or anticonvulsant medication can help to significantly reduce the number of seizures that a person could experience in the future. The medications are oral, and the prescribed drugs depend on the type of seizures that individual experiences. Anticonvulsants serve to reduce the excessive rapid-firing f neurons that take place during a seizure. Examples of these medications include Gabapentin, Clonazepam, carbamazepine, an