MedRec documentation

MedRec is a blockchain-based EHR solution ( designed to overcome some of the limitations of current EHR systems. Read through the MedRec documentation and compare it with current EHR solutions on aspects like interoperability, data security, and data ownership. A blockchain solution requires consensus among different participating organizations on data structures, data security, and validation protocols. Do you foresee any challenges with implementation of a blockchain-based solution?

With increased use of technology in healthcare settings, medical errors attributed to technology have emerged as a new category of medical errors. What are some of the drivers behind such errors and what operational decisions can hospitals take to avoid them?

The user interfaces of HITs are often unintuitive with too much information. What is your experience with the HITs that you have used? What recommendations will you make to improve their user interfaces?

New HIT rollout is often accompanied with changes in existing workflows, which may cause disruptions. What has your experience been in this regard? Do you have any recommendations to improve the rollout of HITs to reduce such disruptions?