Creation and implementation of a new performance appraisal system or method of conducting performance appraisals.

Prepare an outline of what you plan to cover in your research paper. Your outline should also include a sentence or two (with citations) regarding content and direction in each section.

I. Introduction (2 – 3 paragraphs) (cite)

  • A.The topic of interest or main idea
  • B.Problem statement (why)
  • C.Background of the problem

II.Main body – Section 1 (4 – 6 paragraphs) (cite)

A.Extent of problem

  • 1.What?
  • 2.Why?
  • 3.When?

B. Who and how of the problem (cite)

  • 1.Examples
  • 2.Facts

III.Body – Section 2

A.Cause and effect (cite)

1.This is/was the problem, and this is the solution

IV.Body – Section 3

A.Possible solutions

  • 1.What measures must be taken
  • 2.What will work and what will not
  • 3.Probability

V. Conclusion (cite)

  • A.Summarize relating back to introduction/problem
  • B.Restate thesis