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The process of divorce, especially between two parents, usually has a huge negative impact on the children involved. Although it is not their fault in the parent’s decision-making, children may tend to blame themselves in this matter. Not only this factor but the children are ripped away from everything they have known their entire lives and are forced to cope with brand-new surroundings. According to our text, and the pictures in our book “Some children may try to brush off the effects of their parents’ divorce, but the truth is that many are deeply affected, and remain so for many years” (Seccombe, K., 2018, P. 352). There are various negative outcomes that can come with divorce and the children involved. Regardless of age, gender, or culture, children with divorced parents are more likely to succumb to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety (Morin, A., 2021.).

Luckily, there are different techniques parents can incorporate in helping their children cope with divorce. Parents can help their children adjust to this matter by co-parenting in a healthy way, showing the children that the parents can equally get along and are on the same page regarding certain parenting skills. Using consistent disciplinary actions, teaching them similar coping strategies, both helping the children feel safe in each home, reassuring them that divorce is a part of life, and seeking psychological help if the children are not accepting of the divorce (Morin, A., 2021.). By peacefully co-parenting and maintaining a healthy relationship regardless of divorce, and consistently being on the same page regarding the children and their mental well-being. Divorce is extremely difficult for children, and they need extra attention and reassurance from both parents in hopes that the child or children will cope and understand. Parents should not stay together for the sake of their child’s happiness. A child who is subjected to hearing constant fighting and bickering will have a much larger negative impact on their mental growth vs. Getting a divorce.