PSY-495 Topic 2: Identifying Themes in Literature

When writing a literature review, you are not simply summarizing articles. You are providing background information and presenting the research that exists on the topic you are proposing to study. Considering topics that must be presented is important when planning to write a literature review. Consider and respond to the prompts below. This preplanning will assist you in completing the literature review assignment.

  1. Review the articles included in Topic 2: Title Page and Reference List assignment. As you review each article, jot down keywords and topics that are discussed.
  2. After reviewing the articles, consider additional topics that are related to your proposed study that the reader should be aware of to gain a better understanding of the study being proposed. Jot down any additional topics that were not previously mentioned.
  3. Are there reoccurring keywords and topics that continue to emerge? List them below. These themes will become subheadings in your literature review.
  4. In reviewing the list of articles you have identified to support your literature review, will additional articles need to be located? List topics that will need additional research.