Critical analysis essay

Most people have heard of the CDC and the FDA, but very few can explain everything these agencies do on a daily basis to keep Americans healthy and safe. Moreover, many Americans have never heard of the other key federal public health agencies, such as the NIH and HRSA, that play a major role in in the public health system today.

The scope of public health services is enormous, encompassing such services as food and drug safety, disease surveillance, emergency response, disease prevention, and health education and promotion to name a few.

For this written Assignment, you will select one of the key federal public health agencies that were discussed throughout Unit 7 (see Table 12-2: “Key Federal Health Agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services” in the course textbook for a brief overview of each of these health agencies), including:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from
Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from
Health Resources and Services Administration. Retrieved from
Indian Health Services. Retrieved from
National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved from

After providing a brief overview of the public health agency you have selected, you will research one specific public health service that the federal public health agency provides and write a critical analysis essay that explains the following:

A description of the service you chose (for example, the FDA completes food inspection of imported foods);
A list of the steps or protocols used to carry out the chosen service;
A description of the core function(s) of public health, mandated by the IOM, under which this service falls;
An explanation of which of the 10 essential public health services this program fulfills;
A discussion of how this service achieves the desired health outcomes; and
A discussion of the collaboration efforts with local, state and if applicable, global health organizations.

Proposed Outline of Unit 8 Written Assignment

Introduction (1 paragraph)
Highlight 3–5 main points about your topic that will be developed further in the body of the paper.
Provide a clear and concise thesis statement, or purpose of the paper (generally 1 sentence but no more than 2).
Federal Public health Agency Selected
Brief overview of the public health agency and the services it provides
Short discussion of the agency’s mission and goals
Selected Service
Overview of the service
Details about the service (examples include food safety, drug safety, disease prevention, mental health crisis intervention, training for health research).

Steps or protocols used in carrying out this service.
The core function(s) of public health, mandated by the IOM, under which this service falls.
Which of the 10 essential public health services this program fulfills.
How this service achieves the desired health outcomes and improves health outcomes.
The collaborating efforts with local, state and if applicable, global health organizations.

Conclusion (1 paragraph)
No new information should be presented
Briefly wrap up the main points presented in the body of the paper

Reference page(s)