Professional Activity Reflection

Explore the interviews posted on The American Nurse ( ).Select an area of nursing and identify 2-3 of nurses (BSN or higher degree) whose work relates to that area to use for the assignment (pick 2-3 nurses from the big grid of pictures who work in the same type area). Critique the significance of professional nursing as it relates to this niche in a 2-3 page reflection paper (double space, 12 Times New Roman font).

Content & Organization (70 points )
Summarize each interview selected, include the nurses’ names, credentials, and positions (10)
Describe the area of nursing (10)
Describe the roles played by nurses (10)
Discuss the effect on health of a community (10)
Identify the place (fit) in the health care system (see chapter 14) (10)
Identify personal learning gained from the experience (10)
Addresses the degree to which the experience provided motivation to pursue further (10)
Readability & Style (10 point)
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment (5)
Structure is clear, logical & easy to follow, Sentences complete, clear, & concise (5)
Mechanics (20 points)
The paper adheres to the prescribed length (10 )
Rules of grammar and punctuation are followed. Spelling is Correct (10)