Documentary analysis

Choose a short documentary from this website: (Links to an external site.).

After watching the documentary, answer the following questions. Your response should be at least 200 words total.

  1. What is the name of the film? Give the URL where it can be found.
  2. Does the film seem to have a thesis? What is it? Is there more than one?
  3. Briefly explain how the following are addressed in the film and how they affect the film’s argument:
    1. Ethos (the voice or persona of the main character/filmmaker):
    2. Pathos (appeals to emotion — patriotism, humor, etc.):
    3. Logos (logic):
  4. Does the film seem to focus most on ethos, pathos, or logos? Why do you believe so?
  5. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary and the argument it presents?
  6. Does the documentary leave you with any unanswered questions?