After watching the video answer the questions

This discussion is dedicated to those that have worked hard to achieve their American Dream.

After watching the video selections, plase share your reactions.

Points to consider:

1- What lyrics do you find meaningful and why?

2- Does it make you think of anyone that you personally know?

3- Does this representation of immigration into the US seem accurate to you, why or why not?

4- Do you find Alexander Hamilton to be an inspiration?

5- Does awareness of the challenges faced by immigrants in the USA make you more empathetic to those who came to America to realize their dream/escape persecution/poverty?


After reading “Everybody’s Ethnic Enigma” respond to the following questions:

1.) Are you guilty of trying to figure out what someone’s race/ethnicity is and then asking them?

2.) Do you now feel that this is an appropriate question? Why or why not?

3.) Why do you think people want to know?

4.) What experience, if any, do you personally have with this phenomenon?

5.) Any advice?