Week 1 of JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century

Scenario: Your company is introducing a change to technology or personnel that will affect your team’s working environment. You are tasked with gaining buy-in from your team, as well as learning if they have any objections to this change.You already know that certain team members have strong opinions about the change and are not going to agree with each other. You call the team together for a meeting.

Considering the course materials for this week, answer the following:
Describe the change to technology or personnel that requires your team’s buy-in.
How will you account for differences in your team’s personality types?

In your answer, refer to your results from the DiSC assessment you took in Week 1 of JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century.

What will you do to assure your team members that they have a voice and are free to challenge each other’s input?
How will you align your team around the final decision, even if some members disagree with it?