Theory Glossary

Your first task is to write a 900-word (+/-10%) theory glossary, consisting of three 300-word entries. Each entry should cover one media studies approach canvassed in our first four weeks of term and identify the key terms/tenets, and the uses and limitations of that media studies approach. Each entry should also offer one real world example of your own choosing, and identify one point of difference to another conceptual approach addressed in your glossary.

These are the terms you may choose from:

• Data capitalism / Surveillance capitalism (select only one of these variations)

• Political economy of the media / Audience commodity (select only one of these variations)

• Media as Myth-making (or Ideology) (note: this is in reference to textual analysis and/or semiotics)

• Reception Theory (note: this is in reference to audience studies)

• Media ecology / Medium Theory (select only one of these variations)

• Technological determinism (note: this functions as a somewhat reductive response to, and critique of, medium theory)