Letter of intent to request grant funds

Write a letter of intent to request grant funds for a project for the public library in your community profile. (Attached below)
See this page for sample project ideas: https://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/services-libraries/grants-libraries/lsta-grant-information#slnc-cares.

Specs for this assignment:
You will write a letter of intent (LOI) [1] that includes the following:

A concise opening summary statement (1 paragraph)
If the reviewer reads nothing else, they should know what you want to do from reading this paragraph. What is your proposed project that requires grant funding? What is the amount of funding you are requesting? What is the timeframe for your project (e.g., over the summer, during the school year, etc.)?

A statement of need (1-2 paragraphs)
Explain what issue or need you will address through your grant-funded project.
Explain why you have chosen to respond to this issue(s) or need in this way.
State briefly why this project and what will happen in this project matters in the area in which you will be working.

Note who benefits from the project you propose. Make sure you can indicate the public good that will be achieved. This should be informed by what you discovered in your community profile.

The details of your project (use as much space as needed)
Write a detailed overview of your proposed project. Walk through your plan from beginning to end.
Indicate if there will be collaboration with other organizations and what their role(s) will be. Be specific about who does what and their qualifications/experience/track record.

The expected outcomes of your project (1-2 paragraphs)
State the specific outcomes you hope to achieve.
Indicate how you will evaluate the outcomes and success of your project. How will you know you've achieved the outcomes?
A statement about the experience of the people involved in the project (1 paragraph)
Based on your experience and/or as you can glean about the library’s staff, discuss why your team is best equipped to carry out this activity. You may need to search online for information about the library’s staff.

Include here any relevant historic background about the institution.
Budget (1 table or spreadsheet)
General description of the project’s funding needs and total amount of request (up to $10,000).
Closing statement (1 paragraph)
Include your name and contact information. Offer to provide additional information if requested. Express appreciation for the opportunity to submit a proposal letter.
Letter must not exceed 4 pages
Include a reference list (not part of the 4 pages) in APA 7th edition formatting https://libguides.ecu.edu/APA7

[1] Assignment based on https://www.umass.edu/cfr/grant-writing/guidelines-letter-intent