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Response Paper #4:
Remember the recommendations for completing response papers:

1. Read each step of the assignment carefully and be sure to complete the bullet points for each step.

2. Complete each bullet point with detailed explanations. Don’t just list information quickly. Show your mind working by providing explanations which prove you studied and understood the details
of the lectures.

3. Don’t simply copy my sentences from the lectures. Don’t use my sentences with just a few word changes. Write your own sentences. You may use words, phrases, and concepts from the lectures. But the sentences should be your own. That means your sentences should clearly be distinct from mine in order to show your mind working. (If you quote from the lecture, use quotations marks and then explain what the quote means in your own words.)

4. Reread your writing before submitting your work. Look for mistakes and unclear sentences to fix. The more time you invest in your writing, the more your writing will express your intelligence.

Here’s the assignment for Response Paper #4:
Write an essay completing the four steps below. Make sure your essay is based exclusively on studying the assigned lectures on Blackboard in the Age of Ideology folder, the Causes of the Great Depression folder, and the New Deal folder. Do not consult the internet or other sources.

1) Write a paragraph explaining how American Progressives were attracted to the new cultural attitudes and new ideas of the Age of Ideology. Be sure to

identify several Progressives, including dates

explain in detail what attitudes or ideas they were attracted to

o Base your discussion entirely on the lectures Age of Ideology parts 1, 2, and 3 in the Age of Ideology folder. That means do not use the Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned  Show that you have studied these lectures.

2) Write at least two paragraphs on the causes of the Great Depression. Be sure to explain
how the recession of 192930 was unlike most other recessions

what monetary policy is and how mistakes in monetary policy contributed to the Great Depression

how mistakes in Banking Policy contributed to the Great Depression

how mistakes in Trade Policy contributed to the Great Depression

o Base your discussion entirely on the lectures Monetary Policy, Banking Policy, Trade Policy in the Causes of the Great Depression folder. That means do not use the Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned lectures. Show that you have studied these lectures.

3) Write a paragraph on Franklin Roosevelt’s understanding of the Great Depression. Be sure to explain
how President Roosevelt understood the causes of the Great Depression

why President Roosevelt understood the causes of the Great Depression differently than many later economists

o Base your discussion entirely on the lecture 1930s Interpretations of the Great Depression in the Causes of the Great Depression folder. That means do not use the Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned lecture. Show that you have studied this lecture.

4) Write two paragraphs explaining Franklin Roosevelt’s policies in response to the Great Depression. Be sure to explain

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how Franklin Roosevelt used the analogy of war in his First Inaugural Address

how the analogy of war influenced the New Deal policy called the NRA

how the analogy of war influenced the New Deal policy called the CCC

o Base your discussion entirely on the lectures Age of Ideology parts 1, 2, and 3 in the Age of Ideology folder and on the lecture New Deal NRA, AAA, CCC in the New Deal folder. That means
do not use the Internet or other sources. Focus on the assigned lectures. Show that you have studied these lectures.